Mini Plot Availability
There are currently no Mini Plots available in the Garden. However, if you would be interested in a Mini Plot when one becomes available, please email janet.robins15@btinternet who will put your name on a waiting list.
Each Mini Plot measures 8′ by 6′ with a 3′ space between each.
Mini Plot 1 Taken
Mini Plot 2 Taken
Mini Plot 3 Taken
Mini Plot 4 Taken
Mini Plot 5 Taken
Mini Plot 6 Taken
Mini Plot 7 Taken
Mini Plot 8 Taken
Mini Plot 9 Taken
Mini Plot 10 Taken
The Garden encourages the use of organic methods as much as possible to protect and encourage the wildlife in the Garden. Click here for Advice and Resources on Organic Gardening.
No fees are currently levied for these Mini Plots, but this policy is reviewed by the Committee each year and any charge agreed for the following year by all members attending the AGM.
All Mini Plot “owners” are required to sign a Mini Plot Agreement setting out the basic Garden Rules.
[ See below for agreement for the year from 01/10/2019 ]